MoA Screening

MoA Screening is our latest label free service platform designed to rapidly identify ON/OFF targets and signaling pathways triggered by compounds in physiological and pathological* conditions.

It works with small molecules, biologics (mAbs, peptides) and high molecular weight compounds. Our fully automated Nematic Protein Organization Technique (NPOT®) coupled to LC- MS/MS delivers the list of proteins forming the drug’s interactome and involved in the drug’s Mechanism of Action on cell lines, animal models and human pathological tissues in our biobank.

In today’s fast-paced pharmaceutical landscape, speed and precision are paramount. With MoA Screening, we’re redefining the standards of efficiency and accuracy in drug development. 


* Inoviem, thanks to its patient centric approach, has access to patients and offers tailored patient cohort for your development program.

Rapid insights, reliable solutions

  • Unparalleled speed: Our advanced technology platforms, NPOT® & InoPERA®, enables us to accelerate the target identification process like never before. With MoA Screening, you’ll receive actionable insights within 2 weeks, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly.
  • Precision in physiological conditions: This is the heart of everything we do, at Inoviem we strongly believe that the understanding of how compounds interact within the complex environment of the human body is essential for successful drug development. That’s why all our services and technology platform, as MoA Screening, are uniquely designed to operate in physiologically and pathological relevant conditions, providing you with clinically relevant data.
  • Comprehensive analysis: We don’t just stop at identifying ON/OFF targets. We also offer a comprehensive analysis of signaling pathways triggered by compounds, giving you a holistic understanding of their effects. This depth of insight empowers you to optimize your drug candidates with precision and confidence.
  • Expert support: Backed by a team of seasoned scientists and experts in drug development. From experimental design to data interpretation, we’re here to ensure your success.

Tailored services to accelerate your success

We understand that every project is unique, and flexibility is key to meeting your specific needs. That’s why we offer two distinct options of services, each designed to deliver rapid insights and actionable results 

  • For those seeking rapid identification of ON/OFF targets and Interactors of new compounds in physiologic conditions, we have the ideal solution. We utilize our exclusive technology platform, NPOT® & InOPERA®, to quickly identify targets influenced by your compounds. In 2 weeks, you’ll get a complete and exhaustive list of specific proteins interacting directly and indirectly with your drug. This includes primary and secondary drug’s targets and all the proteins involved in MoA. 
  • And if you want to go even further and get enriched pathways triggered/induced specifically by the presence of your drug in the model, we have the perfect solution. In just 3 weeks, you will get a detailed roadmap of signalling cascades and you will benefit from the expertise of our team to unveil the complex interactions triggered by your compounds.
"The technology has a great potential as a target ID platform. Service itself was fantastic. Impressed with Inoviem's rigor in performing the experiments, analyzing the data and creating the report, and their overall depth of scientific knowledge."
Johnson & Johnson
Principal Scientist, Oncology & Discovery Chemistry

Example of MoA Screening list

Project workflow of MoA Screening services


Don’t let time-consuming MoA identification hold you back. 

Understand the Mode of Action of your compound

Identify and validate drug-target engagement

Lead compound optimization

Patient stratification and biomarkers discovery

Indication priorization

Identify biomarkers and clinical pharmacology

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